The Complete Guide to Investing in Foreclosures is written to help you identify and take advantage of opportunities while avoiding the pitfalls.
As demand for real estate has skyrocketed, so have prices. But finding affordable properties to buy and sell for profit has never been easier! Why? Because foreclosures are at an all-time high, meaning banks and other lenders have unprecedented numbers of properties they are all too eager to unload. That's your opportunity to acquire prime properties — both residential and commercial — at incredible value, and build a substantial real estate portfolio that should give you great returns for years to come.
Real estate investment professional Steve Berges gives you:
Foreclosures may be the quickest and most reliable way to profit in real estate-but you've got to know what you're doing. Whether you're new to the game or are already experienced in buying and selling foreclosed properties, The Complete Guide to Investing in Foreclosures gives you everything you need to make smart moves at every stage of the process.