Are you mentally ready for the reality of making an ambulance your everyday office?
Is it your hope to end every shift without second guessing your actions or inactions?
Do you want to follow the crowd, or create your own professional approach with intent?
Becoming a newly qualified paramedic or EMT is like a juggling act. With hands and minds full of ambition, fresh ideas, hard earned expertise and newly acquired knowledge, it can be challenging to maintain the high standards that you're desperate to deliver. Even the best of intentions will be difficult to deploy, without recognising what's important, or why. This book is your guide to growing good habits, so that little of the bad and even less of the ugly can creep in along the way.
While training and education deal with standalone skills, minimal time remains to devote to the biggest learning curve of all. Putting everything together into one professional, compassionate and satisfying package. If you're looking for checklists to tick, flick and forget, this is not the book for you. But if you prefer to craft an individual brand of outstanding emergency care with intent, everything you need is right here.
Nothing clinical will be covered. No tips or tricks on specific techniques. It's all about attitude to the human-centered skills that will set you up for success, ready to hit the ground running. A self-development style handbook, for students at any stage of preparation for a prehospital career.
Through its friendly, conversational and easy to follow format, The Good, The Bad & The Ugly Paramedic Student Handbook puts you firmly in the driving seat of your own destiny toward the job of your dreams.